
Due to changes in NYS gun laws and reaching retirement age, as of 1/1/2024 I am no longer taking on gunsmith or gun sales but will continue with mag sales.

Darkeagle Custom Inc exists for the sole purpose of bettering the shooting community with quality work at an affordable price, in a timely manner.

It starts with years of experience with old school machining combined with modern CNC equipment. Blend the two with an artful hand and tasteful eye for detail – the end result is a custom rifle as unique as the individual who owns it.

At Darkeagle Custom Inc, quality is our number one priority in making your dream gun a reality.

Photo Gallery of Custom Work by Dark Eagle Custom - OD Green

“Building an accurate-shooting gun that looks as good as it functions!”

News & Updates


Only original LA mags are in stock. Working on more of the other sizes/axis style.


LA Axis mags are out of stock. Working on more but will be a bit yet.


I have very limited stock of LA Axis mags. Working on more but will be a bit yet.


I will be out of town for a week or so and have marked the mags as out of stock while I am away. I will put them back in stock when I am back and able to fill orders.


I have a limited number of mags available; SA, SA Axis, LA, LA Axis are all ready to ship.


LA Axis are the only mags in stock at the moment.


Just a reminder, I am no longer doing gunsmith work or firearm sales due to the changes in NYS gun laws. Mag sales will continue. So far NY has not effected that aspect.


LA Axis and Original style as well as SA Axis and Original are in stock ready to ship.


I finally have the email issue solved (I hope), so long action Axis mags are back in stock ready to ship.


I am temporarily suspending ordering through the website until I can get the problem with email worked out. I have been receiving orders but no one is following up with the reply emails I am sending about their order. There is a known issue with Outlook and Yahoo but I seem to be having issues with other emails as well.


For all those using a Yahoo email, my Outlook mail is bouncing my replies back to me as undelivered. I have no idea why this suddenly started  and I’m not a computer guy so until Microsoft fixes the problem, please try another email service to send me an email. I finally have long action Axis style mags available.


Due to changes in NYS gun laws. I am no longer doing gun sales or gunsmith work.


Mags are currently sold out. Working on more.


The few mags I was able to make are sold out. Working on more.


Mags are currently sold out. Working on more.


I have a limited number of LA Axis mags available.


Currently all mags are out of stock. I’m feeling better and working on LA but no luck getting required parts from Savage who still say they have a supply issue.


Currently all mags are out of stock. I’ve been sick for weeks now and got behind. Still working on LA.


I have a very limited number of SA Axis mags available. Working on more LA but with hunting season, the Holidays, and poor availability of components it is taking longer than usual.


I have a limited number of SA Axis mags available and just a few LA Original style. Working on more LA.


Back in the shop and working on a few more mags. I will mark the website in stock when I have some available.


I will be away from the shop from September 28 through October 13th with no internet or phone access. The website will be marked as out of stock starting today so I have time to complete current orders before I leave.


Limited quantity of LA and SA mags are available at this time. As mentioned previously, Savage has changed their policy on selling to small dealers and raised their price as well.  Their supply chain is also a mess. They have issues making enough mags for their own sales so I don’t see things getting any better for a long time.


Only LA Axis mags are available at this time. As mentioned previously, Savage has changed their policy on selling to small dealers and raised their price as well.  Their supply chain is also a mess. They have issues making enough mags for their own sales so I don’t see things getting any better for a long time.


Several mag sizes are available in limited quantity. Savage has changed their policy on selling to small dealers and raised their price as well.  Their supply chain is also a mess. They have issues making enough mags for their own sales so I don’t see things getting any better for a long time.


Long Action Axis style mags are available in limited quantity. Savage has changed their policy on selling to small dealers and raised their price as well.  Their supply chain is also a mess. They have issues making enough mags for their own sales.


ALL mags are out of stock. I will update the website when they are available. Hopefully soon. Savage is restricting my orders and the anodizers are still behind as well. No one seems to be fully staffed and the supply chain for Savage is a mess. They have issues making enough mags for their own sales.


Only Long Action Axis magazines are in stock. All other mags are currently out of stock. I will update the website when they are available. Hopefully 2 to 3 weeks. Savage is limiting my orders and the anodizers are way behind as well.


Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. For those that have been asking, I changed companies for invoicing but I still take credit/debit cards.


Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Savage is back to restricting mag top sales but I have a small supply for now.


Deer season is still underway but I do have some mags ready to ship. Please be patient with replies as this is a super busy time in the shop.


Rifle deer season opens Saturday and things are way too busy in the shop. Mags are temporarily out of stock while I take time to hunt and assemble more.


Hunting season is open so things are extra busy. I finally got a few mag tops from Savage. I have contacted many that have emailed and hope I have gotten back with everyone. If not I apologize, it’s hard keeping up with the rifle work, old email requests, and hunting. I still have a few mag sizes out of stock but doing what I can.


Another call to Savage trying to get mag tops but still the same story. I’m told they don’t have any. I tried buying any amount but they have zero for sale. They said to try again late October.


I continue to call Savage weekly trying to get mag tops but still the same story. I’m told they don’t have any. I tried buying a smaller quantity but told they have none for sale. They still say “maybe” sometime in October.


I call Savage weekly trying to get mag tops and I’m told they don’t have any. This week’s call they said “maybe” in October. This is what happens when you shut down everything. Luckily I still have income from building rifles, otherwise I would have to close the doors with zero mag sales.


Only Original style LA mags are available. I am working on the other mag sizes but Savage has no mag tops available until at least the first of June. Just one of many long term effects caused by shutting down the country for so long.


LA Axis are now out of stock. SA Axis; SA Original and LA Original style mags are in stock. Still working on the Magnums.


SA and LA Axis as well as SA and LA Original style mags are back in stock. Still working on the Magnums.


Only LA original style mags are in stock. Please do not email asking when others will be available. It takes time away from working to reply and the firearms business is crazy right now.


After some serious family medical issues – hopefully behind us now – I have SA and LA Axis mags as well as LA original style ready to ship.


Still working on more mags but small setback dealing with family medical issues. ALL Magazines are out of stock. More are being made but please do not email asking when they will be available. That simply takes time away from making them to answer emails. I will mark them back in stock when they are ready to ship.


ALL Magazines are out of stock. More are being made but please do not email asking when they will be available. That simply takes time away from making them to answer emails. I will mark them back in stock when they are ready to ship.


Long Action Axis Magazines are out of stock. More are being made but please do not email asking when they will be available. That simply takes time away from making them to answer emails. I will mark them back in stock when they are ready to ship.


Short Action Axis Magazines are out of stock. More are being made but please do not email asking when they will be available. That simply takes time away from making them to answer emails. I will mark them back in stock when they are ready to ship.


Most Magazines are back in stock.


ALL Magazines are all currently unavailable. More are being made but please do not email asking when they will be available. That simply takes time away from making them to answer emails. I will mark them back in stock when they are ready to ship.


Emails and orders are still a bit intermittent for me as I work through dad’s passing and all that goes along with that. The phone is giving issues right now so email is always your best method of contact.


Emails and Calls will be intermittent at best for a bit. My father passed yesterday and there are family matters to attend to. SA Axis mags are back in stock. Long Action Axis mags are out of stock.


Long Action Axis mags are out of stock. I will update when I have more available. SA Axis are almost ready.


Short Action Axis mags are out of stock. I will update when I have more available.


All magazine styles are back in stock!


Please do not try and order a magazine that shows out of stock. That just adds more emails for me to tell you it is out of stock after you place an order. Since the write-up in American Rifleman, the flood of emails, calls, and orders has been overwhelming. I am out of almost all magazines but working on more. I had some Axis done and they sold out immediately so I am working on more now. I’m doing the best I can to keep up so please be patient.


I had no idea the American Rifleman was posting a write-up on my mags this month. The flood of emails, calls, and orders is overwhelming right now. I’m doing the best I can to keep up so please be patient.


Heads up that I will be out of the shop August 20th. No access to phone or email so please hold contact during that time. Hope to have Axis mags very soon.


Heads up that I will be out of the shop July 24-27. No access to phone or email so please hold contact during that time until after I return so I’m not flooded with requests. Thank you.


Happy Fourth of July!

Both style 6 round Magnum mags are out of stock.

All mag sizes and styles are back in stock.

May we never forget our fallen comrades. Freedom isn’t free.

Short Action Original style mags are also out of stock. Currently, long and short Axis are also out of stock. YES, I am making more but there is a LOT of machine time plus blasting, anodizing, assembly, and testing so it is not a quick process. Sales have been at an all time high and Savage is not taking parts orders so I am almost out of tops. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL TO TELL ME YOU CAN SEND ME YOUR TOP. THE SAVINGS WOULD COST MORE THAN THE SHIPPING.

Short Action Axis mags are out of stock. Sales are crazy right now and hard to keep up. I am shipping orders as quickly as possible but email and phone calls are lagging.

Long Action Axis mags are out of stock. I am having MAJOR issues with the postal service on deliveries. I am shipping orders as quickly as possible but email and phone calls are lagging.

Short Action Axis mags are back in stock. I am shipping orders as quickly as possible but email and phone calls are lagging.

Short Action Axis mags are out of stock. More being made but we have been crazy busy with mag sales. I am shipping orders as quickly as possible but email and phone calls are lagging.

Currently all mags are in stock but going fast. I am shipping orders as quickly as possible but email and phone calls are sometimes lagging a bit.

Long Action Axis mags are back in stock.

Long Action Axis mags are out of stock.

Finally have Magnum mags back in stock.

I haven’t updated in quite a while. It’s been a rough couple months with family medical issues to handle. Hopefully things can now get back on track and I can get caught up on making mags. For those that are wondering, yes I am in process of getting more Magnum mags.

Magnum magazines are out of stock. Deer season is in full swing so expect delays in email replies and orders for the next couple weeks as we fill the freezer.

Tomorrow is opening of deer season here so expect delays in email replies and orders for the next couple weeks as we fill the freezer.

Today we celebrate Danny’s Birthday. He would have been 33 today. RIP my son.

Long Action Axis mags are back in stock and ready to ship.

Long Action Axis mags are out of stock. Working on more now.

Short Action Axis mags are in stock and we are filling orders.

Short Action Axis mags are out of stock. Working on more.

Memorial Day is about remembering the fallen heroes — Please take some time to remember the folks who never came home to their families and friends. Huge sacrifices have been made for us folks to enjoy the American way of life.